
2023 - 2024 Executive Committee


The President - G. Sable
The Captain - S. Misell
Vice-Captain - P. Keown
Hon. Treasurer - D. Murray
Hon. Secretary - A. Preston

and the following:-

Membership Committee
S. Misell - (Chairman)
M. Burchell

Social Committee
T. Draper (Chairman)
D. Sanders

Competition & Match Committee
K. Walmsley - (Chairman)
J. Stubb

D. Sanders

Note: Past Captains automatically become Vice-Presidents of the Association and remain on the Executive until they have completed their term as President . Past Captains retained by the Executive are A.R.Gregory, D.Stone & I.Michael, G Sellors, B.Stone.

Senior Vice Presidents' who have completed their term of service on the Executive:
B.Swainson, W.Elliott, C.F.Shadbolt, I.Caplan, A.Preston, D.Besant-Roberts, I.Brooks, M.Rhodes, J.A.Draper, G.Gaffey & B. Ashfield.